SKDC meeting agenda commencing Monday 20 February

this week, South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) are scheduled to meet on Tuesday to discuss finance, economy, corporate development and more.
Tuesday 21 February
10.30am – South Kesteven District Council Finance, Economic, Development and Corporate Services scrutiny:
Announcements or updates from the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members or the Head of Paid Service
ICT Cyber-Security Action Plan -Verbal Update - To provide the Committee with a verbal update of the updated ICT Cyber-Security Action Plan.
Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 3 (October - December 2022) - To inform Finance, Economic Development & Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee of the Council's forecast 2022/23 financial position as at the end of December 2022. The report covers the following areas:
- General Fund Revenue Budget
- Housing Revenue Account Budget
- Capital Programmes – General Fund and Housing Revenue Account
Disabled Facilities Grant Report 2022/2023 - This report provides a summary of the activity relating to Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) during quarters 1 to 3 of 2022/23.
Grantham Future High Streets Fund - February 2023 Update - To update the Committee on progress in delivering Grantham's transformational scheme being funded via central Government's Future High Streets Fund.
Housing Stock Condition Update - To provide Committee with an update on how the data from the recent stock condition surveys is informing our future budget, grant application and asset management of Housing Revenue Account assets.
S106 Agreement Monitoring Update Report - To provide an overview of the Section 106 (planning obligation) process, an update on recruitment and the recent Infrastructure Funding Statement.
Work Programme 2022 – 2023 - To consider the Committee's Work Programme for 2022 – 2023.
Any other business, which the Chairman, by reason of special circumstance decides is urgent
This meeting will take place at:
Council Chamber
South Kesteven House
St. Peter's Hill
NG31 6PZ
This meeting can be live streamed or watched at a later date. Find out more here.
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