Hats Funny Comedy presents "Grinding out the giggles" - New act new material comedy night
The Millstone Inn, Ryhall
UNTIL Sunday 15th October

Rutland based comedy company Hats Funny Comedy is returning to The Millstone Inn, Ryhall, with its renowned new act, new material comedy night. At least 5 comics that range from brand new acts looking for stage time, and circuit regulars doing some fine tuning, will be testing their freshest material for your enjoyment. All of course, under the supervision of guest MC, Ishi Khan.
The event takes place on Sunday 15th October, 7pm start. The Millstone will also be serving basket meals on the night.
Entry is free with cash donations gratefully received for the acts. Enquiries are welcomed [email protected] or via social media through hatsfunnycomedy